Todmorden Bowls Club

Todmorden Bowling Greens were established in 1915, expanding later to become a unique four crown green setting in what is now a beautiful people’s park.

After 100 years of being used as a set of club bowling greens under benevolent council care, with recent dramatically increased charges, it became necessary for the three remaining clubs to become an Association. In a little over five years, this new organisation has expanded and diversified to become a popular and thriving club with over 120 members.

Over 50% of our new members mainly bowl socially, often developing friendships and meeting new playing partners as part of the club experience, with the option of joining established league teams as enthusiasm and time allow. A healthy number of new members has been recruited to teams this year, and there are plans to offer additional opportunities for league bowling next year.

New members and visitors are primarily welcomed to the club by the Academy’s friendly and experienced team of players who aim to get new bowlers bowling competently as soon as they’re able.

With a range of session times throughout the week, the Academy readily provides for individual learning and coaching opportunities, with free bowls loan and tuition available.

Every effort is made to accommodate bowlers with different abilities, using the club’s range of bowling aids as well as two bowls wheelchairs. Families welcomed.